wavefile Member List

This is the complete list of members for wavefile, including all inherited members.

appendFrame(string fpath)wavefile [inline]
AudioFormatwavefile [protected]
BitsPerSamplewavefile [protected]
BlockAlignwavefile [protected]
ByteRatewavefile [protected]
ChunkIDwavefile [protected]
ChunkSizewavefile [protected]
commit(void)wavefile [inline]
curlocwavefile [protected]
datawavefile [protected]
Formatwavefile [protected]
fptrwavefile [protected]
getData(char *frmdata, unsigned long int *frsize)wavefile [inline]
getFirstFrame(char *frmdata, unsigned long int *frsize)wavefile [inline]
getFrame(unsigned long int i, string framename)wavefile [inline]
getlocinc()wavefile [inline]
getMFCC(int *status)wavefile [inline]
getNextFrame(char *frmdata, unsigned long int *frsize)wavefile [inline]
locincwavefile [protected]
makeMono(int type)wavefile [inline]
makePerm(string dest)wavefile [inline]
nFrames()wavefile [inline]
NumChannelswavefile [protected]
pathwavefile [protected]
SampleRatewavefile [protected]
showDetails()wavefile [inline]
Subchunk1IDwavefile [protected]
Subchunk1Sizewavefile [protected]
Subchunk2IDwavefile [protected]
Subchunk2Sizewavefile [protected]
wavefile()wavefile [inline]
wavefile(char *frdata, unsigned long int frsize)wavefile [inline]
wavefile(string wavepath)wavefile [inline]
wavefile(wavefile &wv)wavefile [inline]
wavefile(const wavefile &wv)wavefile [inline]
~wavefile()wavefile [inline]

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